Dental in-house membership programs are gaining popularity for many wide-ranged reasons and benefits. To understand some benefits is to understand the market in which we currently live.
Our countries baby boomers are coming into or are soon entering retirement. A fair number of those boomers have reduced, little or no dental benefits. What happens next is to be expected; people begin to avoid the dentist due to lack of coverage and the fear of potentially high out-of-pocket expenses. The negative impact doesn’t stop there – the overall systemic health is more than likely to suffer negatively too. It is ironic to think the same factors that fuel avoidance ignite the promotion of potentially adverse health concerns of an aging population. Foreseeably, the result is higher health costs later.
For the forward thinkers, this sparks the desire to create and implement an alternative so that all persons can afford and have access to quality dental care. Membership programs allow the opportunity to offer affordable options to patients. The benefit of which is less saying goodbye to long-time patients for foreseeable reasons and time & energy savings on the part of one’s dental team working to reengage their existing patients to reappoint.
The benefits don’t stop there; they stretch across all lines, positively impacting patients, and practice alike. Watch for future posts that will further explain other benefits of dental in-house membership programs.