Stoneprism implements several training methods to ensure full understanding of the processes and methods to successfully deploy your in-house membership program


  1.  Hands on training.  Our dedicated trainers get online with you via a easy to use screen share that allows them to walk you thru all of the day to day processes that you may engage in such as adding users, checking transactions, checking on deposits etc.
  2. Online training materials.  We have deployed numerous videos and online documents that walk you through virtually all of the tasks you may need to perform within the membership management platform.
  3. We Train further, the point person in your practice.  This may be the office administrator, manager or someone specifically assigned to oversea all membership operations.  This is in the form of train the trainer.  This individual goes through advanced,  in-depth, hands on, one on one training via screen share with our trainers.  They will go through all of the day to day tasks to a master level and will also go through advanced tasks that may not occur too often but are available to them.

If you have questions about training, Ask us!